
.: rollover flashcards: Old Norse sentences :.

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Ok er þat at segja af ferð þeirra, at þeir kómu til Íslands fyrir alþingiAnd it is to be said about their journey, that they came to Iceland before the General Assembly
Gerði hann ráð fyrir þeimHe gave them counsel
Váru þau ǫll á einn veg mörkuðThey had all been marked in the same way
Var honum sagt, at Danakonungr mundi koma þar bráttHe was told that the King of Denmark would get there soon
Hann sendi orð Sigríði dróttningu þau at hann vill finna hanaHe sent these words to Queen Sigríðr, that he wants to meet her
Bjóð þú honum at þiggja skipit at þérOffer him to receive the ship from you
Þit ráðið Þórólf af lífiYou two are plotting against Þórólfr's life
Henni varð þat fyrir, at hon bítr einn þeira til banaIt came to pass with respect to her that she bites one of them to death
Hér skuluð þit vera með mérYou will stay here with me
Fór hann þat sumar til GrœnlandsThat summer he went to Greenland
Satt eitt hefi ek þér sagtI have told you the truth
Ertu þá meiri konungr en þinn faðirThen you will be a greater king than your father