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Skilja þeir þá rœðu sína | Then they end their conversation |
Ragnhildr hét dóttir hans; hana gipti hann Skopta Skagasyni, bróður Þóru | His daughter was calle Ragnhildr; he married her to Skopti Skagason, Þóra's brother |
Ek skal fara með þér | I will go with you |
Þá sendi hon Hákon ok gott fǫruneyti með honum austr til Eiríks Svíakonungs | Then she sent Hákon, and good travel-companions with him, east to King Eiríkr of Sweden |
Ek vil, at dóttir þín fari heim með mér | I want your daughter to come home with me |
"Ek em útlendr maðr hér," segir hann | "I am a foreigner here", he says |
Vill hann fara á fund þeira | He wants to go to meet them |
þeir menn Gunnhildar kómu á Ofrustaði snimma um morgin | Gunnhildr's men came to Ofrustaðir early in the morning |
Var honum sagt, at Danakonungr mundi koma þar brátt | He was told that the King of Denmark would get there soon |
Hans dœtr váru þær Geira, Gunnhildr ok Ástríðr | His daughters were Geira, Gunnhildr and Ástríðr |
Ok er þat at segja af ferð þeirra, at þeir kómu til Íslands fyrir alþingi | And it is to be said about their journey, that they came to Iceland before the General Assembly |
Var þat skip allvel skipat | The ship was very well-manned |
Þess strengi ek heit | This I promise (lit. I make a vow concerning this) |
Satt eitt hefi ek þér sagt | I have told you the truth |
Veit ek, at þit munuð færa mér hǫfuð hans | I know you will bring me his head |
Sagði hon svá, at hon virði eigi minna eignir þær ok ríki, er hon átti í Svíþjóð, en konungdóm hans í Noregi ok eignir | She said that she also did not value any less those realms which she owned in Sweden than his kingdom and possessions in Norway |
Þetta spyrr Eysteinn konungr ok safnar her í móti þeim | King Eysteinn hears of this and gathers an army against them |
Má mér vel líka þín þjónosta | It may be that your service will please me |
Hann gékk til hennar ok spurði hvat ráðs hennar var | He went to her and asked what her advice was |
Þá ferr hon þegar á fund sona sinna ok segir þeim þessi tíðendi | Then she immediately goes to meet her son and tells him this news |
"Sigurð kalla menn mik," segir hann, "ok em ek kenningarson Búa" | "People call me called Sigurðr", he said, "and I am said to be Búi's son" |
Þit ráðið Þórólf af lífi | You two are plotting against Þórólfr's life |
Koma þeir nauðuliga í brott | They barely [manage to] escape |
Hon skal hér svá vel sett sem hon væri mín dóttir, en systir þín | She will [be] as well accommodated as if she were my daughter and your sister |
Fór hann þat sumar til Grœnlands | That summer he went to Greenland |
Hér skuluð þit vera með mér | You will stay here with me |
Far vel þú þá! | Then fare well (i.e. have a safe journey) |
Far þú nú heil ok vel | Now fare healthy and well |
Sagði jarl honum [...] | The earl told him [...] |
Þá sendi jarl Kark á fund Þóru, ok bað hana koma leyniliga til sín | Then earl sent Karkr to meet Þóra, and asked her to come to him in secret |
Ætlar þú til Grænlands í sumar? | Do you intend to go to Greenland this summer? |
Gerði hann ráð fyrir þeim | He gave them counsel |
Ekki er þat ráð Sveins konungs at leggja til bardaga við þik | It is not King Sveinn's intention to engage in battle with you |
Váru þau ǫll á einn veg mörkuð | They had all been marked in the same way |
Þat var mál manna, [...] | It was said [...] |
Þá tók hann knífinn frá henni | Then he took the knife from her |
Vil ek eigi, at þit verðið fyrir sjónum þeira | I don't want you two to come in their sight |
Þá kemr þar bóndi ok bað Óláf gefa sér kýr þær, er hann átti | Then a farmer came there and asked Óláfr to give him what cows he had |
En þar er þú mintir mik, at ek væra þinn maðr, þá veit ek þat eigi síðr, at þú ert minn maðr | But although you have reminded me that I am your liegeman, I nevertheless know that you are my liegeman |
Hann sendi orð Sigríði dróttningu þau at hann vill finna hana | He sent these words to Queen Sigríðr, that he wants to meet her |
Hann skyldi þeim einum manni gifta dóttur sína | He was to marry his daughter to that man only [lit. to that one man] |
Óláfr Tryggvason var .iii. vetr á Vindlandi, áðr Geira, kona hans, tók sótt, þá er hana leiddi til bana | Óláfr Tryggvason was in Vindland for three years before his wife Geira contracted the disease that became her death |
Ek em einn andi | I am a ghost |
Mun ek fá þér fǫruneyti gott | I will get you good travel-companions |
Hann gef ek þér til þjónostumanns | I will give him to you as a servant |
Fóru þeir allan þann dag at leita ok funnu þau hvergi | They spent all that day in search and they found them (mixed) nowhere |
Þeira sonr var Knútr | Their son was Knútr |
Bjóð þú honum at þiggja skipit at þér | Offer him to receive the ship from you |
Ek mun segja þér þat, er þú spyrr | I will tell you what you are asking for |
Ertu þá meiri konungr en þinn faðir | Then you will be a greater king than your father |
Henni fylgði fóstrfaðir hennar | Her fosterfather accompanied her |
Ek em konungs dóttir ok konungs systir | I am a king's daughter and a king's sister |
Ekki er hon svá stórborin sem ek em | She is not as nobly-born as I |
Þar fékk Haraldr konungr sár þau, er hann leiddu til bana | King Haraldr there received the wounds which led to his death (lit. led him to death) |
Unni búandi honum mikit | The farmer loved him dearly |
Konungr var allmjǫk drukkinn, ok bæði þau | The king was very drunk, and they both were [i.e. the king and a woman] |
Konungr fær honum menn, ok ríða þeir á fund Hákonar gamla | The king gathers men, and they ride to meet Hákon the old |
Þú ert maðr minn | You are my liegeman |
Henni varð þat fyrir, at hon bítr einn þeira til bana | It came to pass with respect to her that she bites one of them to death |
Eiríkr segir, at hon er ekki þar | Eiríkr says that she is not there |
Hann fagnaði henni vel | He received her well |
þá kom hann í eyjar þær er Syllingar heita | Then he came to the islands called the Syllingar |
Hafa þeir .xxx. manna | They have 30 men |
Óláfr lagði undir sik þau ríki | Óláfr subjugated those kingdoms |
Þá vil ek bjóða þér hólmgǫngu ok þat, at vit berimsk hér á þinginu | Then I want to challenge you to a duel, and [I stipulate] that we should fight here at the assembly |
Ek hugða at yðr ok yðra menn mundi engan fagnað skort hafa at þessarri veizlu | I intended that you and your men should have lack of no pleasure at this feast |
Ætlar þú hér at skiljask við mik? | Do you intend to part from me here? |
Fóru þeir um haustit norðr í land | In the autumn they travelled north (lit. "they went north into the land") |
Þá vil ek gefa þér skipit, ef þú vill þiggja | I want to give you the ship if you will receive it |