.: rollover flashcards: Old Norse sentences :.
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But although you have reminded me that I am your liegeman, I nevertheless know that you are my liegeman | En þar er þú mintir mik, at ek væra þinn maðr, þá veit ek þat eigi síðr, at þú ert minn maðr |
She is not as nobly-born as I | Ekki er hon svá stórborin sem ek em |
Then they end their conversation | Skilja þeir þá rœðu sína |
The farmer loved him dearly | Unni búandi honum mikit |
This I promise (lit. I make a vow concerning this) | Þess strengi ek heit |
I intended that you and your men should have lack of no pleasure at this feast | Ek hugða at yðr ok yðra menn mundi engan fagnað skort hafa at þessarri veizlu |
They spent all that day in search and they found them (mixed) nowhere | Fóru þeir allan þann dag at leita ok funnu þau hvergi |
Then he took the knife from her | Þá tók hann knífinn frá henni |
They barely [manage to] escape | Koma þeir nauðuliga í brott |
I want to give you the ship if you will receive it | Þá vil ek gefa þér skipit, ef þú vill þiggja |
I will tell you what you are asking for | Ek mun segja þér þat, er þú spyrr |
Óláfr Tryggvason was in Vindland for three years before his wife Geira contracted the disease that became her death | Óláfr Tryggvason var .iii. vetr á Vindlandi, áðr Geira, kona hans, tók sótt, þá er hana leiddi til bana |