Hover the mouse cursor over the relevant row to see a translation.
[new set] [with 3pres] [complete set]
rēdon | rǣdan (VII) ‘advise’, 2nd pret |
feaht | feohtan (III) ‘fight’, 1st pret |
ġeaf | ġiefan (V) ‘give’, 1st pret |
bǣdon | biddan (V) ‘ask’, 2nd pret |
lǣten | lǣtan (VII) ‘let’, past ptc |
hōfon | hebban (VI) ‘raise’, 2nd pret |
þeġen | þicgan (V) ‘receive’, past ptc |
wrāt | wrītan (I) ‘write’, 1st pret |
logen | lēogan (II) ‘lie, deceive’, past ptc |
crupon | crēopan (II) ‘creep’, 2nd pret |
stāh | stīgan (I) ‘ascend, descend’, 1st pret |
swæf | swefan (V) ‘sleep’, 1st pret |