.: rollover flashcards: strong verb reconstruction :.

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rēdonrǣdan (VII) ‘advise’, 2nd pret
feahtfeohtan (III) ‘fight’, 1st pret
ġeafġiefan (V) ‘give’, 1st pret
bǣdonbiddan (V) ‘ask’, 2nd pret
lǣtenlǣtan (VII) ‘let’, past ptc
hōfonhebban (VI) ‘raise’, 2nd pret
þeġenþicgan (V) ‘receive’, past ptc
wrātwrītan (I) ‘write’, 1st pret
logenlēogan (II) ‘lie, deceive’, past ptc
cruponcrēopan (II) ‘creep’, 2nd pret
stāhstīgan (I) ‘ascend, descend’, 1st pret
swæfswefan (V) ‘sleep’, 1st pret