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hlōd | hladan (VI) ‘load’, 1st pret |
locen | lūcan (II) ‘lock’, past ptc |
bād | bīdan (I) ‘wait’, 1st pret |
writon | wrītan (I) ‘write’, 2nd pret |
sungen | singan (III) ‘sing’, past ptc |
ongunnon | onginnan (III) ‘begin’, 2nd pret |
stōdon | standan (VI) ‘stand’, 2nd pret |
guldon | ġieldan (III) ‘pay’, 2nd pret |
scriden | scrīðan (I) ‘go, glide’, past ptc |
rēd | rǣdan (VII) ‘advise’, 1st pret |
swōron | swerian (VI) ‘swear’, 2nd pret |
hlagen | hliehhan (VI) ‘laugh’, past ptc |
hwurfon | hweorfan (III) ‘turn’, 2nd pret |
freten | fretan (V) ‘devour’, past ptc |
scōd | sceððan (VI) ‘injure’, 1st pret |
hlōdon | hladan (VI) ‘load’, 2nd pret |
drogen | drēogan (II) ‘endure’, past ptc |
waden | wadan (VI) ‘go’, past ptc |
fruron | frēosan (II) ‘freeze’, 2nd pret |
ridon | rīdan (I) ‘ride’, 2nd pret |
risen | rīsan (I) ‘rise’, past ptc |
healp | helpan (III) ‘help’, 1st pret |
beden | biddan (V) ‘ask’, past ptc |
treden | tredan (V) ‘walk’, past ptc |
stapen | stæppan (VI) ‘step’, past ptc |
borgen | beorgan (III) ‘protect’, past ptc |
goten | ġēotan (II) ‘pour’, past ptc |
hōf | hebban (VI) ‘raise’, 1st pret |
sēow | sāwan (VII) ‘sow’, 1st pret |
cwōmon | cuman (IV) ‘come’, 2nd pret |
scrāð | scrīðan (I) ‘go, glide’, 1st pret |
wēold | wealdan (VII) ‘rule, wield’, 1st pret |
beswicen | beswīcan (I) ‘lead astray’, past ptc |
grēow | grōwan (VII) ‘grow’, 1st pret |
ripen | rīpan (I) ‘reap’, past ptc |
hlēapen | hlēapan (VII) ‘jump, run’, past ptc |
spræc | sprecan (V) ‘speak’, 1st pret |
scofen | scūfan (II) ‘push’, past ptc |
cwǣdon | cweðan (V) ‘say’, 2nd pret |
sungon | singan (III) ‘sing’, 2nd pret |
gliden | glīdan (I) ‘glide’, past ptc |
gōl | galan (VI) ‘sing’, 1st pret |
lǣten | lǣtan (VII) ‘let’, past ptc |
ongunnen | onginnan (III) ‘begin’, past ptc |
scōdon | sceððan (VI) ‘injure’, 2nd pret |
cumen | cuman (IV) ‘come’, past ptc |
brocen | brūcan (II) ‘use, enjoy’, past ptc |
sēað | sēoðan (II) ‘boil’, 1st pret |
healden | healdan (VII) ‘hold’, past ptc |
cnēowon | cnāwan (VII) ‘know’, 2nd pret |
scridon | scrīðan (I) ‘go, glide’, 2nd pret |
rǣden | rǣdan (VII) ‘advise’, past ptc |
grōwen | grōwan (VII) ‘grow’, past ptc |
bunden | bindan (III) ‘bind’, past ptc |
swæf | swefan (V) ‘sleep’, 1st pret |
bǣdon | biddan (V) ‘ask’, 2nd pret |
soden | sēoðan (II) ‘boil’, past ptc |
frǣt | fretan (V) ‘devour’, 1st pret |
cweden | cweðan (V) ‘say’, past ptc |
cwōm | cuman (IV) ‘come’, 1st pret |
frǣton | fretan (V) ‘devour’, 2nd pret |
þrungon | þringan (III) ‘press’, 2nd pret |
swōr | swerian (VI) ‘swear’, 1st pret |
slēpon | slǣpan (VII) ‘sleep’, 2nd pret |
ġelamp | ġelimpan (III) ‘happen’, 1st pret |
hēold | healdan (VII) ‘hold’, 1st pret |
borsten | berstan (III) ‘burst’, past ptc |
sæt | sittan (V) ‘sit’, 1st pret |
guton | ġēotan (II) ‘pour’, 2nd pret |
rison | rīsan (I) ‘rise’, 2nd pret |
lucon | lūcan (II) ‘lock’, 2nd pret |
gōlon | galan (VI) ‘sing’, 2nd pret |
beswicon | beswīcan (I) ‘lead astray’, 2nd pret |
bæd | biddan (V) ‘ask’, 1st pret |
dragen | dragan (VI) ‘draw, pull’, past ptc |
drēah | drēogan (II) ‘endure’, 1st pret |
holpen | helpan (III) ‘help’, past ptc |
ġēong | gangan (VII) ‘go’, 1st pret |
nāmon | niman (IV) ‘take’, 2nd pret |
ongan | onginnan (III) ‘begin’, 1st pret |
hlōh | hliehhan (VI) ‘laugh’, 1st pret |
biden | bīdan (I) ‘wait’, past ptc |
rāp | rīpan (I) ‘reap’, 1st pret |
hēton | hātan (VII) ‘command’, 2nd pret |
drōh | dragan (VI) ‘draw, pull’, 1st pret |
cnēow | cnāwan (VII) ‘know’, 1st pret |
writen | wrītan (I) ‘write’, past ptc |
giefen | ġiefan (V) ‘give’, past ptc |
trǣdon | tredan (V) ‘walk’, 2nd pret |
hlēopon | hlēapan (VII) ‘jump, run’, 2nd pret |
sēowon | sāwan (VII) ‘sow’, 2nd pret |
sprǣcon | sprecan (V) ‘speak’, 2nd pret |
numen | niman (IV) ‘take’, past ptc |
lidon | līþan (I) ‘travel, voyage’, 2nd pret |
stōpon | stæppan (VI) ‘step’, 2nd pret |
sǣton | sittan (V) ‘sit’, 2nd pret |
cōm | cuman (IV) ‘come’, 1st pret |
stōp | stæppan (VI) ‘step’, 1st pret |
faren | faran (VI) ‘go’, past ptc |
stæl | stelan (IV) ‘steal’, 1st pret |
þeġen | þicgan (V) ‘receive’, past ptc |
stigon | stīgan (I) ‘ascend, descend’, 2nd pret |
cwæþ | cweðan (V) ‘say’, 1st pret |
fēollon | feallan (VII) ‘fall’, 2nd pret |
wann | winnan (III) ‘strive’, 1st pret |
liden | līþan (I) ‘travel, voyage’, past ptc |
ǣton | etan (V) ‘eat’, 2nd pret |
bundon | bindan (III) ‘bind’, 2nd pret |
froren | frēosan (II) ‘freeze’, past ptc |
drugon | drēogan (II) ‘endure’, 2nd pret |
ġeald | ġieldan (III) ‘pay’, 1st pret |
hlōgon | hliehhan (VI) ‘laugh’, 2nd pret |
hēoldon | healdan (VII) ‘hold’, 2nd pret |
bræġd | breġdan (III) ‘pull, unsheath’, 1st pret |
beswāc | beswīcan (I) ‘lead astray’, 1st pret |
bǣron | beran (IV) ‘bear’, 2nd pret |
stōd | standan (VI) ‘stand’, 1st pret |
swefen | swefan (V) ‘sleep’, past ptc |
fōr | faran (VI) ‘go’, 1st pret |
fēoll | feallan (VII) ‘fall’, 1st pret |
lāþ | līþan (I) ‘travel, voyage’, 1st pret |
læġ | licgan (V) ‘lie, rest’, 1st pret |
sprecen | sprecan (V) ‘speak’, past ptc |
þǣgon | þicgan (V) ‘receive’, 2nd pret |
flēah | flēon/flēogan (II) ‘fly’, 1st pret |
wrecen | wrecan (V) ‘avenge’, past ptc |
gangen | gangan (VII) ‘go’, past ptc |
bær | beran (IV) ‘bear’, 1st pret |
træd | tredan (V) ‘walk’, 1st pret |
þeah | þicgan (V) ‘receive’, 1st pret |
logen | lēogan (II) ‘lie, deceive’, past ptc |
stāh | stīgan (I) ‘ascend, descend’, 1st pret |
feallen | feallan (VII) ‘fall’, past ptc |
biton | bītan (I) ‘bite’, 2nd pret |
bearh | beorgan (III) ‘protect’, 1st pret |
spǣcon | specan (V) ‘speak’, 2nd pret |
grēowon | grōwan (VII) ‘grow’, 2nd pret |
rās | rīsan (I) ‘rise’, 1st pret |
stræġd | streġdan (III) ‘strew, scatter’, 1st pret |
drāf | drīfan (I) ‘drive’, 1st pret |
biten | bītan (I) ‘bite’, past ptc |
nam | niman (IV) ‘take’, 1st pret |
swealt | sweltan (III) ‘die’, 1st pret |
swolten | sweltan (III) ‘die’, past ptc |
worden | weorðan (III) ‘become’, past ptc |
brēac | brūcan (II) ‘use, enjoy’, 1st pret |
rād | rīdan (I) ‘ride’, 1st pret |
frugnon | friġnan (III) ‘ask’, 2nd pret |
fohten | feohtan (III) ‘fight’, past ptc |
burgon | beorgan (III) ‘protect’, 2nd pret |
budon | bēodan (II) ‘offer, command’, 2nd pret |
wrāt | wrītan (I) ‘write’, 1st pret |
hladen | hladan (VI) ‘load’, past ptc |
bēad | bēodan (II) ‘offer, command’, 1st pret |
slǣpen | slǣpan (VII) ‘sleep’, past ptc |
fōron | faran (VI) ‘go’, 2nd pret |
seten | sittan (V) ‘sit’, past ptc |
snidon | snīðan (I) ‘cut’, 2nd pret |
bāt | bītan (I) ‘bite’, 1st pret |
rēdon | rǣdan (VII) ‘advise’, 2nd pret |
eten | etan (V) ‘eat’, past ptc |
drepen | drepan (V) ‘strike’, past ptc |
hworfen | hweorfan (III) ‘turn’, past ptc |
galen | galan (VI) ‘sing’, past ptc |
stigen | stīgan (I) ‘ascend, descend’, past ptc |
scōpon | scieppan (VI) ‘create’, 2nd pret |
hēt | hātan (VII) ‘command’, 1st pret |
lēt | lǣtan (VII) ‘let’, 1st pret |
hulpon | helpan (III) ‘help’, 2nd pret |
lǣgon | licgan (V) ‘lie, rest’, 2nd pret |
brugdon | breġdan (III) ‘pull, unsheath’, 2nd pret |
stǣlon | stelan (IV) ‘steal’, 2nd pret |
drifen | drīfan (I) ‘drive’, past ptc |
lugon | lēogan (II) ‘lie, deceive’, 2nd pret |
scaden | sceððan (VI) ‘injure’, past ptc |
boren | beran (IV) ‘bear’, past ptc |
wearð | weorðan (III) ‘become’, 1st pret |
sworen | swerian (VI) ‘swear’, past ptc |
ġēat | ġēotan (II) ‘pour’, 1st pret |
riden | rīdan (I) ‘ride’, past ptc |
fræġn | friġnan (III) ‘ask’, 1st pret |
drōgon | dragan (VI) ‘draw, pull’, 2nd pret |
specen | specan (V) ‘speak’, past ptc |
fand | findan (III) ‘find’, 1st pret |
flogen | flēon/flēogan (II) ‘fly’, past ptc |
funden | findan (III) ‘find’, past ptc |
scufon | scūfan (II) ‘push’, 2nd pret |
band | bindan (III) ‘bind’, 1st pret |
drifon | drīfan (I) ‘drive’, 2nd pret |
hāten | hātan (VII) ‘command’, past ptc |
wræc | wrecan (V) ‘avenge’, 1st pret |
hōfon | hebban (VI) ‘raise’, 2nd pret |
ġelumpon | ġelimpan (III) ‘happen’, 2nd pret |
brogden | breġdan (III) ‘pull, unsheath’, past ptc |
standen | standan (VI) ‘stand’, past ptc |
strogden | streġdan (III) ‘strew, scatter’, past ptc |
forlēas | forlēosan (II) ‘lose’, 1st pret |
frēas | frēosan (II) ‘freeze’, 1st pret |
druron | drēosan (II) ‘fall’, 2nd pret |
hlēop | hlēapan (VII) ‘jump, run’, 1st pret |
drǣpon | drepan (V) ‘strike’, 2nd pret |
cōmon | cuman (IV) ‘come’, 2nd pret |
wealden | wealdan (VII) ‘rule, wield’, past ptc |
lēton | lǣtan (VII) ‘let’, 2nd pret |
droren | drēosan (II) ‘fall’, past ptc |
wunnen | winnan (III) ‘strive’, past ptc |
golden | ġieldan (III) ‘pay’, past ptc |
slēp | slǣpan (VII) ‘sleep’, 1st pret |
frugnen | friġnan (III) ‘ask’, past ptc |
forloren | forlēosan (II) ‘lose’, past ptc |
flugon | flēon/flēogan (II) ‘fly’, 2nd pret |
boden | bēodan (II) ‘offer, command’, past ptc |
wēoldon | wealdan (VII) ‘rule, wield’, 2nd pret |
bidon | bīdan (I) ‘wait’, 2nd pret |
wunnon | winnan (III) ‘strive’, 2nd pret |
dræp | drepan (V) ‘strike’, 1st pret |
brucon | brūcan (II) ‘use, enjoy’, 2nd pret |
scōp | scieppan (VI) ‘create’, 1st pret |
ġēongon | gangan (VII) ‘go’, 2nd pret |
fundon | findan (III) ‘find’, 2nd pret |
stolen | stelan (IV) ‘steal’, past ptc |
druncen | drincan (III) ‘drink’, past ptc |
hafen | hebban (VI) ‘raise’, past ptc |
worpen | weorpan (III) ‘throw’, past ptc |
þrang | þringan (III) ‘press’, 1st pret |
scēaf | scūfan (II) ‘push’, 1st pret |
cnāwen | cnāwan (VII) ‘know’, past ptc |
ġēafon | ġiefan (V) ‘give’, 2nd pret |
ġelumpen | ġelimpan (III) ‘happen’, past ptc |
forluron | forlēosan (II) ‘lose’, 2nd pret |
ġeaf | ġiefan (V) ‘give’, 1st pret |
wrǣcon | wrecan (V) ‘avenge’, 2nd pret |
wōdon | wadan (VI) ‘go’, 2nd pret |
swǣfon | swefan (V) ‘sleep’, 2nd pret |
lēah | lēogan (II) ‘lie, deceive’, 1st pret |
burston | berstan (III) ‘burst’, 2nd pret |
drēas | drēosan (II) ‘fall’, 1st pret |
wurdon | weorðan (III) ‘become’, 2nd pret |
ripon | rīpan (I) ‘reap’, 2nd pret |
strugdon | streġdan (III) ‘strew, scatter’, 2nd pret |
sniden | snīðan (I) ‘cut’, past ptc |
glād | glīdan (I) ‘glide’, 1st pret |
ǣt | etan (V) ‘eat’, 1st pret |
spæc | specan (V) ‘speak’, 1st pret |
sudon | sēoðan (II) ‘boil’, 2nd pret |
leġen | licgan (V) ‘lie, rest’, past ptc |
snāð | snīðan (I) ‘cut’, 1st pret |
feaht | feohtan (III) ‘fight’, 1st pret |
sāwen | sāwan (VII) ‘sow’, past ptc |
wōd | wadan (VI) ‘go’, 1st pret |
bærst | berstan (III) ‘burst’, 1st pret |
glidon | glīdan (I) ‘glide’, 2nd pret |
druncon | drincan (III) ‘drink’, 2nd pret |
crupon | crēopan (II) ‘creep’, 2nd pret |
swulton | sweltan (III) ‘die’, 2nd pret |
sang | singan (III) ‘sing’, 1st pret |
hwearf | hweorfan (III) ‘turn’, 1st pret |
cropen | crēopan (II) ‘creep’, past ptc |
wurpon | weorpan (III) ‘throw’, 2nd pret |
fuhton | feohtan (III) ‘fight’, 2nd pret |
sceapen | scieppan (VI) ‘create’, past ptc |
dranc | drincan (III) ‘drink’, 1st pret |
wearp | weorpan (III) ‘throw’, 1st pret |
crēap | crēopan (II) ‘creep’, 1st pret |
lēac | lūcan (II) ‘lock’, 1st pret |
þrungen | þringan (III) ‘press’, past ptc |