.: rollover flashcards: strong verb reconstruction :.

Hover or tap the relevant row to see a translation.
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bundonbindan (III) ‘bind’, 2nd pret
cwōmcuman (IV) ‘come’, 1st pret
stentstandan (VI) ‘stand’, 3pres
borgenbeorgan (III) ‘protect’, past ptc
fretenfretan (V) ‘devour’, past ptc
writonwrītan (I) ‘write’, 2nd pret
lētonlǣtan (VII) ‘let’, 2nd pret
drurondrēosan (II) ‘fall’, 2nd pret
stolenstelan (IV) ‘steal’, past ptc
ġēongongangan (VII) ‘go’, 2nd pret
birstberstan (III) ‘burst’, 3pres
stapenstæppan (VI) ‘step’, past ptc