Hover or tap the relevant row to see a translation.
[new set] [without 3pres] [complete set]
bundon | bindan (III) ‘bind’, 2nd pret |
cwōm | cuman (IV) ‘come’, 1st pret |
stent | standan (VI) ‘stand’, 3pres |
borgen | beorgan (III) ‘protect’, past ptc |
freten | fretan (V) ‘devour’, past ptc |
writon | wrītan (I) ‘write’, 2nd pret |
lēton | lǣtan (VII) ‘let’, 2nd pret |
druron | drēosan (II) ‘fall’, 2nd pret |
stolen | stelan (IV) ‘steal’, past ptc |
ġēongon | gangan (VII) ‘go’, 2nd pret |
birst | berstan (III) ‘burst’, 3pres |
stapen | stæppan (VI) ‘step’, past ptc |