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Se palm þe drihten sylf sette his agenum handum | The palmtree which the Lord himself planted with his own hands |
Heo cuðe Godes æ | She knew God's law |
Ða slog se wind þone leg on þæt hus | Then the wind blew the flame against the house |
Ofer ða hi sculon ricsian | Them they ought to govern |
Þar eode in ðæs cynges iunge dohtor and cyste hyre fæder | The king's young daughter went in there and kissed her father |
Ealle þa ðe onfoð sweord mid sweorde hi forwurðað | All those who take the sword perish by the sword |
Eala þu cniht! | Hey, boy! |
Beo ge underðiodde eowrum ieldrum magum | Be subservient to your elder kinsmen |
Unriht weaxeð ealles to wide | Injustice grows far too widely |
Hwilum Brettas, hwilum eft Seaxan sige geslogon | Sometimes the British won the victory, and sometimes the Saxons |
Nyde hit sceal eac on worulde for folces synnan yfelian swyðe | It must necessarily also grow worse in the world on account of the sins of the people |
Saga hwæt ic hatte | Say what I am called |