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Þa wæs Sarran sar on modeThen Sarah was sorrowful at heart
Ic hiere þam cyningeI obey the king
Min broþor mec of earde adrafMy brother drove me from the land
He arn þa to þam hælende þa he hine geseahThen he ran to the saviour when he saw him
Her com Port on Brytene and his twegan sunanHere [i.e. in this year] Port came to Britain, and his two sons
Man bið þy strengra þe he bið micel on his lichomanOne is the stronger as one is large in body
Him wæs metes micel lustHe had a great appetite for food
Man gehalgode twegen biscopasTwo bishops were consecrated (or: they consecrated two bishops)
He forspilde hie þurh forligreHe ruined her (them) through fornication
Oft on gefeohte an feseð tyne and hwilum læs, hwilum maOften in battle one puts ten to flight, sometimes fewer, sometimes more
On þære tide cwæð Petrus "X"At that time, Peter said "X"
Hwy ne meaht þu hit ongitan?Why can't you understand?