
.: rollover flashcards: Collins vocab :.

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grātia, grātiae, fgrace, favor, credit; pl. thanks
pāpa, pāpae, mPope
-que(enclitic coord. conj.) and
nātūra, nātūrae, fnature
hōra, hōrae, fhour
vīta, vītae, flife
ē (ex)(prep. + abl.) from, out of
cōram(prep. + abl.) in the presence of
ad(prep. + acc.) to, toward; for (the purpose for); at
in(prep. + acc.; 2. + abl.) 1. into, onto, against; for (the purpose of), 2. in, on, among; by means of, with
glōria, glōriae, fglory
ā (ab, abs)(prep. + abl.) from, away from