.: rollover flashcards: pronouns :.

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Personal pronouns

First person ("I, we")

sg. dual pl.
nom. ic wit
acc. unc ūs
gen. mīn uncer ūre
dat. unc ūs
sg. dual pl.
nom. ek vit vér
acc. mik okkr oss
gen. mín okkar vár
dat. mér okkr oss
MnE: I
sg. dual pl.
nom. I -- we
acc. me -- us
gen. my (mine) -- our
dat. me -- us

Second person ("you")

sg. dual pl.
nom. þū ġit ġē
acc. þē inc ēow
gen. þīn incer ēower
dat. þē inc ēow
sg. dual pl.
nom. þú (þ)it (þ)ér
acc. þik ykkr yðr
gen. þín ykkar yðar
dat. þér ykkr yðr
MnE: you
sg. dual pl.
nom. you -- you (ye)
acc. you -- you
gen. your -- your
dat. you -- you

Third person ("he, she, it")

OE masc.
sg. pl.
nom. hīe
acc. hine hīe
gen. his heora
dat. him him
ON masc.
sg. pl.
nom. hann þeir
acc. hann þá
gen. hans þeir(r)a
dat. honum þeim
MnE masc.: he
sg. pl.
nom. he they
acc. him them
gen. his their
dat. him them
OE fem.
sg. pl.
nom. hēo hīe
acc. hīe hīe
gen. hire heora
dat. hire him
ON fem.
sg. pl.
nom. hon þær
acc. hana þær
gen. hennar þeir(r)a
dat. henni þeim
MnE fem.: she
sg. pl.
nom. she they
acc. her them
gen. her their
dat. her them
OE neut.
sg. pl.
nom. hit hīe
acc. hit hīe
gen. his heora
dat. him him
ON neut.
sg. pl.
nom. þat þau
acc. þat þau
gen. þess þeir(r)a
dat. þ(v)í þeim
MnE neut.: it
sg. pl.
nom. it they
acc. it them
gen. its their
dat. it them

Demonstrative pronouns

Distal ("that")

OE masc.
sg. pl.
nom. se þā
acc. þone þā
gen. þæs þāra
dat. þām þām
inst. þȳ --
ON masc.
sg. pl.
nom. þeir
acc. þann þá
gen. þess þeir(r)a
dat. þeim þeim
MnE: that
sg. pl.
nom. that those
acc. that those
gen. its their
dat. that those
OE fem.
sg. pl.
nom. sēo þā
acc. þā þā
gen. þǣre þāra
dat. þǣre þām
ON fem.
sg. pl.
nom. þær
acc. þá þær
gen. þeir(r)ar þeir(r)a
dat. þeir(r)i þeim
MnE: that
sg. pl.
nom. that those
acc. that those
gen. its their
dat. that those
OE neut.
sg. pl.
nom. þæt þā
acc. þæt þā
gen. þæs þāra
dat. þām þām
inst. þȳ --
ON neut.
sg. pl.
nom. þat þau
acc. þat þau
gen. þess þeir(r)a
dat. þ(v)í þeim
MnE: that
sg. pl.
nom. that those
acc. that those
gen. its their
dat. that those

Proximal ("this")

OE masc.
sg. pl.
nom. þes þās
acc. þisne þās
gen. þisses þissa
dat. þissum þām
inst. þȳs --
ON masc.
sg. pl.
nom. sjá/þessi þessir
acc. þenna þessa
gen. þessa þessa
dat. þessum þessum
MnE: this
sg. pl.
nom. this these
acc. this these
gen. its their
dat. this these
OE fem.
sg. pl.
nom. þēos þās
acc. þās þās
gen. þisse þissa
dat. þisse þām
ON fem.
sg. pl.
nom. sjá/þessi þessar
acc. þessa þessar
gen. þessar þessa
dat. þessi þessum
MnE: this
sg. pl.
nom. this these
acc. this these
gen. its their
dat. this these
OE neut.
sg. pl.
nom. þis þās
acc. þis þās
gen. þisses þissa
dat. þissum þām
inst. þȳs --
ON neut.
sg. pl.
nom. þetta þessi
acc. þetta þessi
gen. þessa þessa
dat. þessu þessum
MnE: this
sg. pl.
nom. this these
acc. this these
gen. its their
dat. this these

Interrogative pronoun

OE masc./fem. hwā
nom. hwā
acc. hwone
gen. hwæs
dat. hwām
inst. hwȳ
ON masc./fem. hverr
nom. hverr
acc. hvern
gen. hvess
dat. hveim
MnE masc./fem. who
nom. who
acc. whom
gen. whose
dat. whom
OE neut. hwæt
nom. hwæt
acc. hwæt
gen. hwæs
dat. hwām
inst. hwȳ
ON masc./fem. hvat
nom. hvat
acc. hvat
gen. hvess
dat. hví
MnE masc./fem. what
nom. what
acc. what
gen. whose
dat. what