
.: rollover flashcards: Old Norse phrases :.

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We tell the two of youVér segjum ykkr
They (masc.) tell herÞeir segja henni
They (mixed) tell meÞau segja mér
You long for himÞik langar til hans
You see you (sg.)Þú sér þik
You tell usÞú segir oss
They (masc.) long for itÞá langar til þess
They (fem.) avenge the two of youÞær hefna ykkar
We two tell meVit segjum mér
She longs for you (pl.)Hana langar til yðar
We two see you (sg.)Vit sjám þik
It tells the two of youÞat segir ykkr
They (masc.) avenge itÞeir hefna þess
They (masc.) long for meÞá langar til mín
They (fem.) see you (pl.)Þær sjá yðr
They (fem.) avenge meÞær hefna mín
You long for you (sg.)Þik langar til þín
We long for us (pl.)Oss langar til vár
I tell himEk segi honum
They (fem.) tell you (sg.)Þær segja þér
He longs for himHann langar til hans
They (mixed) avenge you (pl.)Þau hefna yðar
She tells to itHon segir því
You (pl.) see itÉr séð þat
You (pl.) tell meÉr segið mér
They (fem.) tell you (pl.)Þær segja yðr
They (fem.) long for herÞær langar til hennar
We two long for the two of youOkkr langar til ykkar
You long for meÞik langar til mín
You see the two of usÞú sér okkr
You (pl.) avenge itÉr hefnið þess
It tells the two of usÞat segir okkr
You tell you (sg.)Þú segir þér
It avenges the two of youÞat hefnir ykkar
You two avenge itIt hefnið þess
She tells you (sg.)Hon segir þér
She avenges usHon hefnir vár
We avenge you (pl.)Vér hefnum yðar
We two long for the two of usOkkr langar til okkar
They (mixed) long for herÞau langar til hennar
It avenges usÞat hefnir vár
They (fem.) see you (sg.)Þær sjá þik
They (fem.) long for itÞær langar til þess
They (mixed) long for the two of usÞau langar til okkar
You two long for the two of youYkkr langar til ykkar
She longs for you (sg.)Hana langar til þín
You (pl.) avenge the two of usÉr hefnið okkar
You tell himÞú segir honum
You (sg.) avenge himÞú hefnir hans
We two tell himVit segjum honum
It tells usÞat segir oss
We long for you (sg.)Oss langar til þín
She tells himHon segir honum
They (masc.) long for the two of usÞá langar til okkar
They (masc.) tell the two of usÞeir segja okkr
I long for you (sg.)Mik langar til þín
They (mixed) tell the two of usÞau segja okkr
You (pl.) avenge you (sg.)Ér hefnið þín
You (pl.) avenge herÉr hefnið hennar
It avenges you (sg.)Þat hefnir þín
You two avenge meIt hefnið mín
We tell the two of usVér segjum okkr
He avenges the two of youHann hefnir ykkar
We two see herVit sjám hana
You (pl.) long for itYðr langar til þess
I see meEk sé mik
They (mixed) tell usÞau segja oss
You (pl.) long for the two of usYðr langar til okkar
You see meÞú sér mik
She sees you (pl.)Hon sér yðr
You (pl.) long for us (pl.)Yðr langar til vár
They (masc.) avenge meÞeir hefna mín
We two see usVit sjám oss
They (fem.) see herÞær sjá hana
You (pl.) long for the two of youYðr langar til ykkar
They (fem.) tell himÞær segja honum
They (masc.) tell meÞeir segja mér
You (pl.) tell you (pl.)Ér segið yðr
They (fem.) avenge itÞær hefna þess
They (masc.) tell you (sg.)Þeir segja þér
They (mixed) long for the two of youÞau langar til ykkar
She longs for meHana langar til mín
You (pl.) avenge usÉr hefnið vár
They (masc.) long for you (pl.)Þá langar til yðar
He longs for herHann langar til hennar
She sees herHon sér hana
You tell you (pl.)Þú segir yðr
They (masc.) see the two of youÞeir sjá ykkr
They (mixed) avenge himÞau hefna hans
I see you (pl.)Ek sé yðr
She tells usHon segir oss
They (masc.) long for himÞá langar til hans
We see herVér sjám hana
We two tell you (pl.)Vit segjum yðr
He longs for itHann langar til þess
We two avenge the two of youVit hefnum ykkar
We avenge himVér hefnum hans
She longs for himHana langar til hans
He tells meHann segir mér
She sees itHon sér þat
They (fem.) tell meÞær segja mér
I see itEk sé þat
We avenge meVér hefnum mín
You two see himIt séð hann
They (fem.) long for us (pl.)Þær langar til vár
They (fem.) avenge himÞær hefna hans
They (mixed) avenge the two of youÞau hefna ykkar
They (mixed) avenge itÞau hefna þess
We two see itVit sjám þat
I avenge himEk hefni hans
He sees herHann sér hana
She sees meHon sér mik
She tells herHon segir henni
You two long for the two of usYkkr langar til okkar
You two see you (sg.)It séð þik
I tell you (sg.)Ek segi þér
We tell you (pl.)Vér segjum yðr
We two long for itOkkr langar til þess
He sees you (pl.)Hann sér yðr
We two long for you (sg.)Okkr langar til þín
He tells the two of youHann segir ykkr
I avenge itEk hefni þess
You see itÞú sér þat
They (masc.) avenge the two of youÞeir hefna ykkar
They (masc.) avenge the two of usÞeir hefna okkar
We two tell usVit segjum oss
You (pl.) long for herYðr langar til hennar
He sees you (sg.)Hann sér þik
I tell the two of youEk segi ykkr
He longs for you (pl.)Hann langar til yðar
We long for himOss langar til hans
We long for herOss langar til hennar
You long for itÞik langar til þess
They (mixed) avenge meÞau hefna mín
You long for you (pl.)Þik langar til yðar
I see the two of youEk sé ykkr
You see usÞú sér oss
You see the two of youÞú sér ykkr
You two tell to itIt segið því
He tells himHann segir honum
They (masc.) see you (pl.)Þeir sjá yðr
We avenge itVér hefnum þess
I long for meMik langar til mín
You tell meÞú segir mér
They (masc.) see the two of usÞeir sjá okkr
You two avenge you (pl.)It hefnið yðar
She avenges you (sg.)Hon hefnir þín
I avenge herEk hefni hennar
They (mixed) see you (pl.)Þau sjá yðr
We two long for you (pl.)Okkr langar til yðar
He sees himHann sér hann
You tell the two of youÞú segir ykkr
They (fem.) avenge herÞær hefna hennar
They (masc.) see itÞeir sjá þat
We see usVér sjám oss
You (pl.) long for you (sg.)Yðr langar til þín
I tell you (pl.)Ek segi yðr
You two tell you (pl.)It segið yðr
He avenges you (pl.)Hann hefnir yðar
They (masc.) see herÞeir sjá hana
He longs for the two of usHann langar til okkar
He avenges usHann hefnir vár
She longs for the two of usHana langar til okkar
I long for itMik langar til þess
It sees the two of youÞat sér ykkr
They (mixed) see you (sg.)Þau sjá þik
He sees the two of youHann sér ykkr
He longs for you (sg.)Hann langar til þín
You see you (pl.)Þú sér yðr
He tells to itHann segir því
They (masc.) long for the two of youÞá langar til ykkar
You see himÞú sér hann
They (fem.) avenge you (sg.)Þær hefna þín
I tell meEk segi mér
We two tell the two of usVit segjum okkr
You two long for you (sg.)Ykkr langar til þín
They (mixed) long for itÞau langar til þess
They (fem.) long for the two of youÞær langar til ykkar
She avenges meHon hefnir mín
You two see meIt séð mik
She tells meHon segir mér
You (pl.) see you (sg.)Ér séð þik
You (pl.) long for meYðr langar til mín
We see itVér sjám þat
She longs for itHana langar til þess
You (pl.) see the two of youÉr séð ykkr
She avenges the two of youHon hefnir ykkar
We long for you (pl.)Oss langar til yðar
They (masc.) long for us (pl.)Þá langar til vár
We two see the two of youVit sjám ykkr
You (pl.) tell the two of usÉr segið okkr
They (mixed) long for you (sg.)Þau langar til þín
You (pl.) see meÉr séð mik
They (fem.) long for you (pl.)Þær langar til yðar
They (mixed) tell herÞau segja henni
We tell herVér segjum henni
I avenge you (pl.)Ek hefni yðar
I tell to itEk segi því
We avenge the two of youVér hefnum ykkar
They (mixed) long for meÞau langar til mín
They (masc.) avenge herÞeir hefna hennar
She avenges the two of usHon hefnir okkar
They (mixed) see herÞau sjá hana
You two see itIt séð þat
You two avenge himIt hefnið hans
You two tell the two of youIt segið ykkr
You two see the two of youIt séð ykkr
They (fem.) tell usÞær segja oss
We two see you (pl.)Vit sjám yðr
We see the two of youVér sjám ykkr
They (masc.) see usÞeir sjá oss
You (pl.) see you (pl.)Ér séð yðr
You see herÞú sér hana
He avenges you (sg.)Hann hefnir þín
We avenge usVér hefnum vár
They (masc.) tell himÞeir segja honum
We two long for himOkkr langar til hans
She sees usHon sér oss
You two tell you (sg.)It segið þér
I avenge usEk hefni vár
It avenges the two of usÞat hefnir okkar
She tells the two of youHon segir ykkr
They (mixed) long for you (pl.)Þau langar til yðar
It tells meÞat segir mér
They (fem.) avenge you (pl.)Þær hefna yðar
We tell to itVér segjum því
They (fem.) long for you (sg.)Þær langar til þín
It tells himÞat segir honum
They (masc.) see you (sg.)Þeir sjá þik
You tell the two of usÞú segir okkr
You long for us (pl.)Þik langar til vár
I long for himMik langar til hans
She sees the two of youHon sér ykkr
They (mixed) tell himÞau segja honum
I see you (sg.)Ek sé þik
He tells you (sg.)Hann segir þér
You (sg.) avenge you (sg.)Þú hefnir þín
They (masc.) see meÞeir sjá mik
It avenges herÞat hefnir hennar
They (masc.) avenge himÞeir hefna hans
You (pl.) tell you (sg.)Ér segi þér
They (mixed) avenge herÞau hefna hennar
We two tell herVit segjum henni
We two see the two of usVit sjám okkr
You two avenge you (sg.)It hefnið þín
I avenge the two of usEk hefni okkar
I long for the two of youMik langar til ykkar
You two tell meIt segið mér
She longs for herHana langar til hennar
It sees meÞat sér mik
We two tell you (sg.)Vit segjum þér
We two avenge itVit hefnum þess
I see himEk sé hann
You two see the two of usIt séð okkr
We see meVér sjám mik
You long for herÞik langar til hennar
It avenges itÞat hefnir þess
It sees youÞat sér þik
You (pl.) see usÉr séð oss
You (sg.) avenge meÞú hefnir mín
We two see himVit sjám hann
We avenge you (sg.)Vér hefnum þín
I see the two of usEk sé okkr
You two avenge the two of usIt hefnið okkar
They (mixed) avenge you (sg.)Þau hefna þín
He sees meHann sér mik
I long for the two of usMik langar til okkar
It avenges himÞat hefnir hans
You two tell himIt segið honum
You two avenge the two of youIt hefnið ykkar
He sees itHann sér þat
We two avenge the two of usVit hefnum okkar
They (masc.) tell you (pl.)Þeir segja yðr
They (fem.) long for himÞær langar til hans
It sees himÞat sér hann
You (sg.) avenge the two of youÞú hefnir ykkar
You (pl.) long for himYðr langar til hans
We two avenge you (sg.)Vit hefnum þín
They (fem.) tell the two of youÞær segja ykkr
They (masc.) avenge you (pl.)Þeir hefna yðar
You (pl.) see himÉr séð hann
We see you (pl.)Vér sjám yðr
He avenges the two of usHann hefnir okkar
It tells you (pl.)Þat segir yðr
They (mixed) see the two of youÞau sjá ykkr
He tells herHann segir henni
She sees himHon sér hann
We two long for meOkkr langar til mín
You two see usIt séð oss
You two long for you (pl.)Ykkr langar til yðar
You two avenge herIt hefnið hennar
We long for meOss langar til mín
You two long for us (pl.)Ykkr langar til vár
It sees itÞat sér þat
We tell you (sg.)Vér segjum þér
We two avenge himVit hefnum hans
I long for herMik langar til hennar
I avenge you (sg.)Ek hefni þín
We two avenge usVit hefnum vár
We see you (sg.)Vér sjám þik
He longs for the two of youHann langar til ykkar
We two see meVit sjám mik
They (masc.) tell to itÞeir segja því
She avenges herHon hefnir hennar
You (pl.) long for you (pl.)Yðr langar til yðar
We see himVér sjám hann
They (fem.) avenge usÞær hefna vár
It tells you (sg.)Þat segir þér
She longs for us (pl.)Hana langar til vár
He avenges himHann hefnir hans
You (pl.) see the two of usÉr séð okkr
It tells to itÞat segir því
They (fem.) see the two of usÞær sjá okkr
You two long for itYkkr langar til þess
He tells you (pl.)Hann segir yðr
They (fem.) see itÞær sjá þat
I tell usEk segi oss
It sees you (pl.)Þat sér yðr
They (fem.) long for the two of usÞær langar til okkar
They (mixed) long for himÞau langar til hans
They (fem.) see himÞær sjá hann
They (mixed) see usÞau sjá oss
They (fem.) long for meÞær langar til mín
You two see herIt séð hana
You (pl.) tell the two of youÉr segið ykkr
You two tell usIt segið oss
They (mixed) see the two of usÞau sjá okkr
I see usEk sé oss
They (mixed) see himÞau sjá hann
She sees the two of usHon sér okkr
We long for the two of youOss langar til ykkar
He longs for meHann langar til mín
She tells the two of usHon segir okkr
You two tell herIt segið henni
He tells usHann segir oss
He avenges herHann hefnir hennar
They (mixed) tell the two of youÞau segja ykkr
They (masc.) avenge usÞeir hefna vár
She avenges you (pl.)Hon hefnir yðar
She longs for the two of youHana langar til ykkar
They (mixed) tell you (sg.)Þau segja þér
You (pl.) tell herÉr segið henni
We two avenge meVit hefnum mín
You tell to itÞú segir því
He longs for us (pl.)Hann langar til vár
They (mixed) avenge the two of usÞau hefna okkar
We two tell the two of youVit segjum ykkr
We see the two of usVér sjám okkr
I tell the two of usEk segi okkr
You two long for herYkkr langar til hennar
They (mixed) see meÞau sjá mik
They (masc.) long for you (sg.)Þá langar til þín
They (fem.) avenge the two of usÞær hefna okkar
She avenges himHon hefnir hans
It sees herÞat sér hana
She tells you (pl.)Hon segir yðr
You (sg.) avenge herÞú hefnir hennar
We avenge the two of usVér hefnum okkar
We long for itOss langar til þess
She avenges itHon hefnir þess
We avenge herVér hefnum hennar
It sees the two of usÞat sér okkr
You (sg.) avenge the two of usÞú hefnir okkar
You (pl.) avenge himÉr hefnið hans
You (sg.) avenge usÞú hefnir vár
You long for the two of youÞik langar til ykkar
You (sg.) avenge you (pl.)Þú hefnir yðar
They (masc.) tell usÞeir segja oss
You (pl.) see herÉr séð hana
You long for the two of usÞik langar til okkar
He avenges meHann hefnir mín
You (pl.) avenge meÉr hefnið mín
You two avenge usIt hefnið vár
It avenges meÞat hefnir mín
He sees usHann sér oss
They (masc.) long for herÞá langar til hennar
You two long for himYkkr langar til hans
You tell herÞú segir henni
They (fem.) tell the two of usÞær segja okkr
You (pl.) tell himÉr segið honum
I long for us (pl.)Mik langar til vár
You (pl.) avenge you (pl.)Ér hefnið yðar
They (mixed) long for us (pl.)Þau langar til vár
We two avenge herVit hefnum hennar
You (pl.) tell to ÉrÉr segið því
They (fem.) tell to itÞær segja því
It tells herÞat segir henni
We long for the two of usOss langar til okkar
I avenge the two of youEk hefni ykkar
You (sg.) avenge itÞú hefnir þess
He tells the two of usHann segir okkr
We two long for herOkkr langar til hennar
It avenges you (pl.)Þat hefnir yðar
They (mixed) see itÞau sjá þat
I avenge meEk hefni mín
I tell herEk segi henni
They (fem.) tell herÞær segja henni
You (pl.) avenge the two of youÉr hefnið ykkar
It sees usÞat sér oss
She sees youHon sér þik
They (fem.) see meÞær sjá mik
I see herEk sé hana
We tell himVér segjum honum
We two tell to itVit segjum því
They (fem.) see the two of youÞær sjá ykkr
They (mixed) tell to itÞau segja því
They (masc.) avenge you (sg.)Þeir hefna þín
We two long for us (pl.)Okkr langar til vár
I long for you (pl.)Mik langar til yðar
We tell meVér segjum mér
They (mixed) avenge usÞau hefna vár
You two see you (pl.)It séð yðr
You two tell the two of usIt segið okkr
You (pl.) tell usÉr segið oss
He sees the two of usHann sér okkr
They (fem.) see usÞær sjá oss
You two long for meYkkr langar til mín
They (masc.) see himÞeir sjá hann
They (mixed) tell you (pl.)Þau segja yðr
We tell usVér segjum oss
They (masc.) tell the two of youÞeir segja ykkr
We two avenge you (pl.)Vit hefnum yðar
He avenges itHann hefnir þess