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þēowa (wk m) | servant |
fēond (7m) | enemy |
woruldnytt (2f) | worldly benefit |
woruldmann (5m) | layperson |
(ge)wrīþan (I wrāþ, wridon, wriden) | twist; bind, wrap; fetter |
bebēodan (II bebēad, bebudon, beboden) | command; impose, demand; proclaim; commend; entrust, commit |
sweltan (III swealt, swulton, swolten) | die |
(ge)friþian (2) | protect, defend; reconcile |
twīges (late adv) | twice |
tōforan (prep) | before (+dat/gen) |
(ge)restan (1) | rest (reflex.) |
eallwealda (wk adj/wk masc) | all-ruling (one), almighty |
feohtan (III feaht, fuhton, fuhten) | fight |
deriendlic (adj) | harmful |
gedēfe (adj) | due, proper |
fæstlīce (adv) | firmly, securely |
dagian (2) | dawn |
æftemǣst (adj) | last, final |
genihtsum (adj) | abundant, plentiful |
(ge)hǣlan (1) | heal |
(ge)tācnian (2) | mean, signify, prefigure |
ǣder (2f/wk f) | vein |
sīþian (2) | travel |
folde (wk f) | earth, land |
hǣlu (2f) | health; \~praise |
ungedēfe (adj) | inappropriate, unpleasant |
bētan (1) | mend, restore; improve; do penance |
lofsang (1m) | song of praise |
oferswīþan (I oferswāþ, oferswiþon, oferswiþen) | defeat, overcome |
ǣrnemorgen (1m) | early morning, daybreak; matins |
tēona (wk m) | injury, harm; insult, abuse |
smēagung (2f) | enquiry; discussion; investigation |
tīd (2f) | time; hour; service in the divine office |
(ge)stȳran, (ge)stēoran (1) | steer, control; correct, set aright |
līcian (2) | please, gratify, humour |
fruma (wk m) | beginning; origin; ruler |
gemanigfealdian (2) | multiply |
(ge)æmtigian (2) | free up, make available |
cweartern (n) | prison |
trum (adj) | firm, strong |
(ge)dafenian (2) | be appropriate, fitting |
beran (IV bær, bǣron, boren) | carry |
(ge)þancian (2) | thank; reward |
gāstlic (adj) | spiritual |
cirice (wk f) | church |
fremman, fremian (1/2) | do, perform; accomplish; benefit; further, advance |
ealdormann (5m): official; leader | |
Grēcisc (adj/n) | Greek |
flǣsclic (adj) | corporeal, carnal; worldly; mortal, human |
woruldcempa (wk m) | worldly soldier |
būtan (adv/prep/conj) | outside; except; unless |
alecgan (1) | put down; kill |
astreccan (1) | stretch, extend (intr/tr); (refl) lie down fully extended, prostrate |
hwīt (adj) | white |
gelēafful (adj) | faithful |
smylte (adj) | tranquil |
ofhrēosan (II ofhrēas, ofhruron, ofhruren) | fall on top of, cover, bury |
fēgan (1) | join |
slēan (VI slōh, slōgon, slōgen) | strike, beat |
gehealdsumnes (2f) | temperance; abstinence; self-restraint; chastity |
witan (I) | know |
Rōmānisc (adj/n) | Roman; Latin |
lustfullung (2f) | pleasure, delight |
bȳme (wk f) | trumpet |
(ge)brōþor (6m) | brother |
rest (2f) | rest; sleep; bed |
Ēastersunnanǣfen (2m/2n) | Holy Saturday |
lēan (1n) | reward |
ārōra (wk m) | brass |
heardian (2) | harden |
mynster, minster (1n) | monastery (broadly conceived) |
gebeorg (1m/n) | protection |
æthwega (adv/pron) | somewhat, to some extent; briefly; something |
swilc (pron) | such, the same; swilc swilce such as, the same as, as many as, the same amount as |
(ge)setting (2f) | decree, appointment |
tēon (II tēah, tugon, tugen) | draw |
brād (adj) | broad |
casere (1m) | emperor |
corn (1n) | grain; seed |
wyrhta (wk m) | creator, craftsman, worker |
weorþung (2f) | honour, reverence; glory |
gemet (1n) | measure, extent |
unhālwende (adj) | unhealthy, detrimental to one's health |
wendan (1) | turn (intr/tr) |
berewæstm (1m) | barley crop |
sīþ (1m) | journey; path; time, iteration |
capitol (m/n/wk) | chapter/section of a book; chapter, assembly of clerics |
bōt (2f) | remedy, cure; atonement |
forberan (IV forbær, forbǣron, forboren) | endure |
unsceþþignes (2f) | innocence |
sibb (2f) | kinship; peace |
tōdrǣfan (1) | scatter, disperse; dispel |
afȳlan (1) | defile |
syrwian (2) | devise, plot |
sǣd (1n) | seed |
bend (3m; 2f) | cord |
gecoren (past ptc) | chosen, elect |
þēowdōm (1m) | service, servitude, slavery |
bigleofa (wk m) | sustenance, subsitence; food; necessities; wages |
forlorenes (2f) | destruction; loss |
ēce (adj) | eternal |
beorgan (III bearg, burgon, borgen) | protect, defend; save; spare |
swēgan (1) | sound, make sound |
snīþan (I) | cut |
(ge)trūwung (2f) | confidence, trust |
ele (3m) | oil |
cwidbōc (5f) | book of proverbs |
þegn, þegen (1m) | servant; soldier; retainer |
þanc (1n) | thanks; thought; favour, grace; þances or tō þance = to the satisfaction of (+gen) |
(ge)cȳþnes (2f) | testimony; covenant, (Old/New) Testament |
riht (1n) | right, justice |
hangian (2) | hang |
ār (2f) | honour; help, benefit; favour; grace, mercy |
yld, ild (2f) | age, era; mature/old age |
manigfeald (adj) | numerous; manifold, diverse |
winnan (III wann, wunnon, wunnen) | strive, fight |
amānsumian (2) | excommunicate, suspend; exclude; hold anathema |
andlang (prep/adv) | prep along; adv along, onward; on andlang fully extended |
(ge)wyrcan (1) | make; obtain; earn (+acc/gen) |
stōr (m) | frankincense |
wrīdan (I wrād, wridon, wriden) | sprout |
(ge)reccan (1; rehte, [ge]reht) | tell, narrate; explain, interpret; govern; extend, stretch |
cwellere (1m) | killer |
bōcere (1m) | scholar; author |
bealu (1n) | evil; harm; attack; pain, torment |
Ebreisc (adj/n) | Hebrew |
gefeoht (1n) | battle, fight |
wēofod (1n) | altar |
ceosan (II ceas, curon, coren) | choose, select, elect |
fylgan (1) | follow (+dat) |
sellan (1) | give; entrust, commit; sell |
underþēodan (1) | subjugate, subject; past ptc underþēod subject, subordinate |
gehabban (3 gehæfde, gehæfd) | keep, retain; hold; restrain; preserve |
gewuna (wk m) | custom |
grund (1m) | bottom, depths, abyss; ground, surface, land |
drȳ (1m) | sorcerer; sorcery, witchcraft; one of the Magi |
rāp (1m) | rope |
nēadian (2) | force, compel |
woruldþing (1n) | worldly affair, worldly concern |
gelȳfan (1) | believe |
elnian (2) | grow strong |
licgan (V læg, lǣgon, legen) | lie |
þweornes (2f) | sin, perversity; evil |
namcūþ (adj) | widely known |
mynegian (2) | admonish |
gewinn (1n) | struggle, battle |
ēacnian (2) | increase; flourish, be fertile; conceive; be pregnant; be in labour |
blōwan (VII blēow, blēowon, blōwen) | bloom, flourish; thrive |
eorþstyrung (2f) | earthquake |
bēam (1m) | tree |
dūn (f; m/n) | mountain; hill |
swicol (adj) | treacherous |
fōdor (1n) | fodder; food |
tōdǣlan (1) | divide, separate; distribute |
hlǣder (2f) | set of steps; ladder |
asingan (III asang, asungon, asungen) | recite, sing |
forsēon (V forseah, forsawon, forsewen) | scorn, despise |
lēof (adj, used substantively) | dear sir; my friend |
mæþ (2f) | measure, degree, extent |
gebyrian (2) | pertain, belong, concern, apply |
feoh (1n) | livestock; property, money, wealth |
benemnan (1) | name; declare; express |
wēsten (1m; f; 1n) | desert |
belimpan (III) | pertain; belong; be appropriate; happen (+dat) |
gebiddan (V bæd, bǣdon, beden) | ask; pray |
(ge)settan (1) | set, establish, compose; appoint, decree |
lēode (1m pl) | people |
derian (2) | harm |
hunig (1n) | honey |
staþol (1m) | site, location; foundation |
munuc (1m) | monk; ap munecas |
dōmlīce (adv) | judiciously; gloriously, majestically |
bodian (2) | announce; preach |
(ge)cnedan (V (ge)cnæþ, (ge)cnǣdon, (ge)cneden) | knead |
hātan (VII hēt, hēton, hāten) | name, call; be called; order, command |
heregang (1m) | military expedition (used metonymically of the Babylonian captivity) |
gedrēfednes (2f) | disturbance; agitation; affliction |
(ge)trymman (1) | strengthen, fortify, edify |
māþm, māþum (1m) | treasure, thing of value |
tōweard (adj) | future, to come |
þrymm (1m) | host, throng, multitude |
melu (n) | flour |
onwinnan (III onwann, onwunnon, onwunnen) | attack |
bēatan (VII bēot, bēoton, bēaten) | beat, strike |
ānnes (2f) | unity, whole; harmony |
tunge (wk f) | tongue |
belecgan (1) | surround, encompass; cover; beset, inlay |
forma (num ord) | first |
gesceaft (2f/1n) | creature; creation; decree |
yrþ (2f) | ploughing; ploughed land; crop |
(ge)mearcian (2) | mark; single out; appoint; note, indicate |
pāpa (wk m) | pope |
gemet(e)gung (2f) | moderation |
ārlēas (adj) | dishonourable, wicked |
rihtlic (adj) | righteous, just |
earmlic (adj) | miserable |
wlitigian (2) | make beautiful |
wītega (wk m) | prophet |
seolfor (1n) | silver |
Egyptisc (adj) | Egyptian |
gebyrdtīd (2f) | time of birth |
riht (adj) | straight, right, proper |
belltācen (1n) | bell-sounding, bell-signal |
bisceopsinoþ (1m) | synod of bishops |
ceastergewara (wk m) | town-dweller, citizen |
alȳfan (1) | permit, allow |
ǣ (2f) | law |
(ge)gad(e)rian (2) | collect, amass; convene; join |
undern (m) | the third hour of the day (c. 9am) |
æcer (1m) | field; acre |
furh (5f) | furrow |
Cristesmæsseniht (5f) | Christmas Eve |
alǣtan (vii) | leave, abandon; renounce |
gafolgylda (wk m) | tributary |
æthrine (3m) | touch |
cynn (1n) | kin, race; species, kind |
regol (1m) | rule, esp. monastic code of conduct |
onscēotan (II onscēat, onscuton, onscoten) | open |
Nicenisc (adj) | Nicaean, of Nicaea |
abbod (1m/wk m) | abbot |
hetol (adj) | hostile |
dryhtenlic (adj) | divine |
tōcyme (3m) | arrival, coming |
heard (adj) | hard, firm, solid, strong; difficult |
lārēow (1m) | teacher; scholar |
friþ (1m/n) | peace |
hrēow (2f) | contrition, repentance; sorrow, grief |
innanweard (adj) | on the inside of; innanweardre handa brād as broad as the palm of one's hand |
geþingian (2) | intercede (for), mediate (on behalf of), reconcile (with) |
abacan (VI abōc, abōcon, abacen) | bake |
twēgen (num card/adj) | two |
halgungbōc (5f) | book of consecration; pontifical |
beswincan (III beswanc, beswuncon, beswuncen) | work for, work at |
aþenian (2) | stretch, extend |
cweþan (V cwæþ, cwǣdon, cweden) | speak; say; call; mean |
yrre (1n) | anger |
plēolic (adj) | dangerous |
frætwe (2f) | ornaments, trappings |
wangturf (2f) | turf, sod |
acenned (1) | give birth; past ptc acennedan incarnate; in that form sometimes to be taken as āncenned "only-begotten" |
cȳþan (1) | make known, declare, announce |
astellan (1) | establish, institute; set forth, present; set (an example) |
neoþanweard (adj) | down low |
waru (2f) | protection |
eard (1m) | homeland, country |
cwidol (adj) | eloquent |
gescyldnes (2f) | protection |
būgan (II bēag, bugon, bogen) | bend, bow; turn; kneel |
betwēoh (prep/adv) | between; among |
bēacen (1n) | sign; symbol; (sound) of a bell |
hwæt (adj) | vigorous; bold |
swēg (1m) | sound, noise |
cȳpemann (5m) | merchant |
trēowcynn (1n) | tree species |
þriwa (adv) | three times |
gōs (5f) | goose |
geflit (1n) | strife, conflict |
forlǣtan (vii) | leave, forsake; let; blōd forlǣtan bleed, bloodlet |
wælhrēow (adj) | cruel |
bewerian (2) | defend, protect |
gedyrstlæcan (1) | dare; undertake |
sāwan (VII sēow, sēowon, sāwen) | sow |
erce | (of unknown meaning, if any) |
sweor (1m) | column, pillar |
(ge)samnian (2) | gather, collect, summon |
middæg (1m) | midday, noon |
tāc(e)n (1n) | sign, symbol |
lǣcecræft (1m) | medicine, the art of healing |
mæssedæg (1m) | mass, (religious) festival |
scīr (adj) | bright, clear |
geþingþ(u) (2f) | intercession |
sculan (IV) | must, have to, need to, ought to |
stīgan (I stāh, stigon, stigen) | ascend; descend |
(ge)swutelian (2) | show, reveal; explain, clarify |
ontȳnan (1) | open; reveal |
hwǣtewæstm (1m) | wheat crop |
wæstm (1mn/2f) | fruit, produce; offspring; growth |
(ge)rǣdan (1) | determine; advise |
ealdorscipe (3m) | authority |
frēo, frīg (adj) | free |
forþgang (1m) | progress |
frēond (7m) | friend; relative |
etan (v) | eat |
lēohtfæt (1n) | lamp |
sunnganges (adv) | clockwise, in the direction of the sun |
yfel (adj) | evil; bad, ill |
sulhgetēoh (1n) | plough implement |
geþeaht (1m) | deliberation; council, assembly |
ælmesmann (5m) | beggar |
bydel (1m) | messenger; preacher |
behȳdan (1) | hide, conceal; sheathe, put away |
finol (1m) | fennel |
weaxan (VII wēox, wēoxon, weaxen) | grow |
lyblāc (1m) | witchcraft, potioncraft |
gesewenlic (adj) | visible |
flotmann (5m) | sailor; pirate, Viking |
turf (2f; gen/dat tyrf) | turf, sod |
cwicbēam (1m) | quickbeam, rowan |
efensācerd (1m) | fellow priest |
ufan (adv) | from above, down |
gospellbodung (2f): preaching of the Gospel | |
wyrt (3f) | plant; herb |
belūcan (II belēac, belucon, belucen) | close, shut; enclose, shut in, lock up |
ǣnig (adj) | any |
gāstlīce (adv) | spiritually |
unlūcan (II unlēac, unlucon, unlucen) | unlock, open |
hundseofontig (num card) | seventy |
ēadmōdlīce (adv) | humbly |
seofoþa (num ord) | seventh |
mǣl (1m) | measure; mark; crucifix; time, occasion; meal(time) |
hundeahtatig (num card) | eighty |
(ge)wilnian (2) | wish (for, upon sbd) |
uncūþ (adj) | unknown, unfamiliar, strange |
sceaþa (wk m) | criminal; doer of harm |
mǣrlīce (adv) | magnificently, gloriously |
bodig (1n) | frame, body |
getācnung (2f) | meaning, reference, referent |
stæpe (m) | step; degree |
þyncan (1; þūhte, þūht) | seem, think (impers +dat) |
hringan (1) | ring |
ōþer (adj/num ord) | other; second |
galdor (1n) | incantation; divination; song |
heafodlēahter (1m) | cardinal sin |
ēare (wk n) | ear |
þrowung (2f) | suffering; martyrdom, passion |
wyrdwrītere (1m) | historiographer, historian |
wiþersaca (wk m) | adversary, opponent; apostate; Iūliānus se wiðersaca Julian the Apostate |
hēahreced (1n) | tall building; important hall |
gemyndig (adj) | mindful |
forhogian (2) | scorn, despise; neglect |
processiō (f?) | procession |
ā (adv) | always, forever |
fæþm (1m; 2f) | embrace, grasp; bosom; cubit (i.e. the length of the forearm, approx. 50cm); rarely fathom (approx 180cm) |
symle (adv) | always, continually, at all times |
gebyrdtīma (wk m) | time of birth |
lāc (1n; 2f; 1m) | offering |
asmēagan (2) | ponder, contemplate |
endebyrdnes (2f) | order; sequence; rank; rite, service; natural course |
upstigendæg (late 1m) | Ascension Day |
pytt (1m) | pit |
setlgang (1m) | setting (of a heavenly body) |
magan (pretpres) | be able; be permitted; be possible |
bysgu (2f): occupation; affliction; care | |
bescēawian (2) | look, see; observe; contemplate; attend to |
arc (2f) | ark; chest; coffin |
(ge)strȳnan (1) | gain, acquire; beget, procreate |
stȳrian (2) | move, stir (intr/tr) |
drȳpan (1) | sprinkle; drip (intr/tr) |
lēahter (1m) | sin; crime; not to be confused with hlēahtor "laughter" |
sulh (n) | plough |
healf (2f) | side; half |
gemynd (n/f) | mind; memory |
unfremu (2f) | damage, detriment |
fylgian (2) | follow (+dat) |
ealdfæder (6m) | ancestor |
metod (1m) | God, Lord (lit. "measurer") |
lēaf (2f) | permission |
hundred (1n/num card) | hundred; century (Roman military unit); hundredes ealdor centurion |
unrihtlic (adj) | unrighteous, unjust |
mæssian (2) | say Mass |
beorma (wk m) | yeast |
lētaniā (wk m) | litany (a prayer consisting of a sequence of petitions) |
glæppe (wk f) | ?bogbean |
mæsse (wk f) | Mass |
forgyldan (iii) | repay |
gebīdan (I) | remain; wait; await; experience, live to see (+gen) |
clipur (1m) | clapper, bell-tongue |
arīman (1) | enumerate, list; recite |
mægen (1n) | strength, power |
ymbhoga (wk m) | care, concern |
munuc (1m) | monk |
īsern (or īsen, īren, adj) | iron |
fugel (1m) | bird |
swincan (III swanc, swuncon, swuncen) | toil; be troubled |
onlūtan (II onlēat, onluton, onloten) | bow, bend down |
burh (5f) | (fortified) town |
meolc (2f) | milk |
aweorpan (III wearp, wurpon, worpen) | throw, cast; cast out; abandon; renounce |
borian (2) | drill; insert into a drilled hole |
gerēfa (wk m) | overseer, estate manager; judge; reeve |
forhelan (iv) | hide, conceal |
fēowerþa (num ord) | fourth |
gecamp (1mn) | battle, war |
aslēan (VII aslōh, aslōgon, aslægen) | strike (off), beat |
sacerd (1m) | priest |
bodung (2f) | announcement; call; preaching; teaching; prophecy; Annunciation |
woruldgewinn (1n) | worldly war(fare) |
bȳsen (2f) | example, model, exemplar |
(ge)unnan (pretpres) | grant (+dat of person, +gen of thing) |
nȳten (1n): animal | |
ungesewenlic (adj) | invisible |
ætbregdan (III atbrægd, ætbrugdon, ætbrogden) | take away, remove; withhold, hold back; withdraw |
talente (wk f) | talent (a measure of weight) |
fīras (1m pl) | people, humankind |
dǣl (3m; 3n) | part; share; amount; extent; fate, lot |
lifian (2) | live |
canunc (m) | canon (i.e. cleric living under a canonical rule) |
tyhting (2f) | incitement, persuasion |
bān (1n) | bone |
sōþfæstnes (2f) | faithfulness; righteousness |
rēþe (adj) | fierce; savage; cruel |
mæsseþenung (2f) | the service of Mass |