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þēowa (wk m)servant
fēond (7m)enemy
woruldnytt (2f)worldly benefit
woruldmann (5m)layperson
(ge)wrīþan (I wrāþ, wridon, wriden)twist; bind, wrap; fetter
bebēodan (II bebēad, bebudon, beboden)command; impose, demand; proclaim; commend; entrust, commit
sweltan (III swealt, swulton, swolten)die
(ge)friþian (2)protect, defend; reconcile
twīges (late adv)twice
tōforan (prep)before (+dat/gen)
(ge)restan (1)rest (reflex.)
eallwealda (wk adj/wk masc)all-ruling (one), almighty
feohtan (III feaht, fuhton, fuhten)fight
deriendlic (adj)harmful
gedēfe (adj)due, proper
fæstlīce (adv)firmly, securely
dagian (2)dawn
æftemǣst (adj)last, final
genihtsum (adj)abundant, plentiful
(ge)hǣlan (1)heal
(ge)tācnian (2)mean, signify, prefigure
ǣder (2f/wk f)vein
sīþian (2)travel
folde (wk f)earth, land
hǣlu (2f)health; \~praise
ungedēfe (adj)inappropriate, unpleasant
bētan (1)mend, restore; improve; do penance
lofsang (1m)song of praise
oferswīþan (I oferswāþ, oferswiþon, oferswiþen)defeat, overcome
ǣrnemorgen (1m)early morning, daybreak; matins
tēona (wk m)injury, harm; insult, abuse
smēagung (2f)enquiry; discussion; investigation
tīd (2f)time; hour; service in the divine office
(ge)stȳran, (ge)stēoran (1)steer, control; correct, set aright
līcian (2)please, gratify, humour
fruma (wk m)beginning; origin; ruler
gemanigfealdian (2)multiply
(ge)æmtigian (2)free up, make available
cweartern (n)prison
trum (adj)firm, strong
(ge)dafenian (2)be appropriate, fitting
beran (IV bær, bǣron, boren)carry
(ge)þancian (2)thank; reward
gāstlic (adj)spiritual
cirice (wk f)church
fremman, fremian (1/2)do, perform; accomplish; benefit; further, advance
ealdormann (5m): official; leader
Grēcisc (adj/n)Greek
flǣsclic (adj)corporeal, carnal; worldly; mortal, human
woruldcempa (wk m)worldly soldier
būtan (adv/prep/conj)outside; except; unless
alecgan (1)put down; kill
astreccan (1)stretch, extend (intr/tr); (refl) lie down fully extended, prostrate
hwīt (adj)white
gelēafful (adj)faithful
smylte (adj)tranquil
ofhrēosan (II ofhrēas, ofhruron, ofhruren)fall on top of, cover, bury
fēgan (1)join
slēan (VI slōh, slōgon, slōgen)strike, beat
gehealdsumnes (2f)temperance; abstinence; self-restraint; chastity
witan (I)know
Rōmānisc (adj/n)Roman; Latin
lustfullung (2f)pleasure, delight
bȳme (wk f)trumpet
(ge)brōþor (6m)brother
rest (2f)rest; sleep; bed
Ēastersunnanǣfen (2m/2n)Holy Saturday
lēan (1n)reward
ārōra (wk m)brass
heardian (2)harden
mynster, minster (1n)monastery (broadly conceived)
gebeorg (1m/n)protection
æthwega (adv/pron)somewhat, to some extent; briefly; something
swilc (pron)such, the same; swilc swilce such as, the same as, as many as, the same amount as
(ge)setting (2f)decree, appointment
tēon (II tēah, tugon, tugen)draw
brād (adj)broad
casere (1m)emperor
corn (1n)grain; seed
wyrhta (wk m)creator, craftsman, worker
weorþung (2f)honour, reverence; glory
gemet (1n)measure, extent
unhālwende (adj)unhealthy, detrimental to one's health
wendan (1)turn (intr/tr)
berewæstm (1m)barley crop
sīþ (1m)journey; path; time, iteration
capitol (m/n/wk)chapter/section of a book; chapter, assembly of clerics
bōt (2f)remedy, cure; atonement
forberan (IV forbær, forbǣron, forboren)endure
unsceþþignes (2f)innocence
sibb (2f)kinship; peace
tōdrǣfan (1)scatter, disperse; dispel
afȳlan (1)defile
syrwian (2)devise, plot
sǣd (1n)seed
bend (3m; 2f)cord
gecoren (past ptc)chosen, elect
þēowdōm (1m)service, servitude, slavery
bigleofa (wk m)sustenance, subsitence; food; necessities; wages
forlorenes (2f)destruction; loss
ēce (adj)eternal
beorgan (III bearg, burgon, borgen)protect, defend; save; spare
swēgan (1)sound, make sound
snīþan (I)cut
(ge)trūwung (2f)confidence, trust
ele (3m)oil
cwidbōc (5f)book of proverbs
þegn, þegen (1m)servant; soldier; retainer
þanc (1n)thanks; thought; favour, grace; þances or tō þance = to the satisfaction of (+gen)
(ge)cȳþnes (2f)testimony; covenant, (Old/New) Testament
riht (1n)right, justice
hangian (2)hang
ār (2f)honour; help, benefit; favour; grace, mercy
yld, ild (2f)age, era; mature/old age
manigfeald (adj)numerous; manifold, diverse
winnan (III wann, wunnon, wunnen)strive, fight
amānsumian (2)excommunicate, suspend; exclude; hold anathema
andlang (prep/adv)prep along; adv along, onward; on andlang fully extended
(ge)wyrcan (1)make; obtain; earn (+acc/gen)
stōr (m)frankincense
wrīdan (I wrād, wridon, wriden)sprout
(ge)reccan (1; rehte, [ge]reht)tell, narrate; explain, interpret; govern; extend, stretch
cwellere (1m)killer
bōcere (1m)scholar; author
bealu (1n)evil; harm; attack; pain, torment
Ebreisc (adj/n)Hebrew
gefeoht (1n)battle, fight
wēofod (1n)altar
ceosan (II ceas, curon, coren)choose, select, elect
fylgan (1)follow (+dat)
sellan (1)give; entrust, commit; sell
underþēodan (1)subjugate, subject; past ptc underþēod subject, subordinate
gehabban (3 gehæfde, gehæfd)keep, retain; hold; restrain; preserve
gewuna (wk m)custom
grund (1m)bottom, depths, abyss; ground, surface, land
drȳ (1m)sorcerer; sorcery, witchcraft; one of the Magi
rāp (1m)rope
nēadian (2)force, compel
woruldþing (1n)worldly affair, worldly concern
gelȳfan (1)believe
elnian (2)grow strong
licgan (V læg, lǣgon, legen)lie
þweornes (2f)sin, perversity; evil
namcūþ (adj)widely known
mynegian (2)admonish
gewinn (1n)struggle, battle
ēacnian (2)increase; flourish, be fertile; conceive; be pregnant; be in labour
blōwan (VII blēow, blēowon, blōwen)bloom, flourish; thrive
eorþstyrung (2f)earthquake
bēam (1m)tree
dūn (f; m/n)mountain; hill
swicol (adj)treacherous
fōdor (1n)fodder; food
tōdǣlan (1)divide, separate; distribute
hlǣder (2f)set of steps; ladder
asingan (III asang, asungon, asungen)recite, sing
forsēon (V forseah, forsawon, forsewen)scorn, despise
lēof (adj, used substantively)dear sir; my friend
mæþ (2f)measure, degree, extent
gebyrian (2)pertain, belong, concern, apply
feoh (1n)livestock; property, money, wealth
benemnan (1)name; declare; express
wēsten (1m; f; 1n)desert
belimpan (III)pertain; belong; be appropriate; happen (+dat)
gebiddan (V bæd, bǣdon, beden)ask; pray
(ge)settan (1)set, establish, compose; appoint, decree
lēode (1m pl)people
derian (2)harm
hunig (1n)honey
staþol (1m)site, location; foundation
munuc (1m)monk; ap munecas
dōmlīce (adv)judiciously; gloriously, majestically
bodian (2)announce; preach
(ge)cnedan (V (ge)cnæþ, (ge)cnǣdon, (ge)cneden)knead
hātan (VII hēt, hēton, hāten)name, call; be called; order, command
heregang (1m)military expedition (used metonymically of the Babylonian captivity)
gedrēfednes (2f)disturbance; agitation; affliction
(ge)trymman (1)strengthen, fortify, edify
māþm, māþum (1m)treasure, thing of value
tōweard (adj)future, to come
þrymm (1m)host, throng, multitude
melu (n)flour
onwinnan (III onwann, onwunnon, onwunnen)attack
bēatan (VII bēot, bēoton, bēaten)beat, strike
ānnes (2f)unity, whole; harmony
tunge (wk f)tongue
belecgan (1)surround, encompass; cover; beset, inlay
forma (num ord)first
gesceaft (2f/1n)creature; creation; decree
yrþ (2f)ploughing; ploughed land; crop
(ge)mearcian (2)mark; single out; appoint; note, indicate
pāpa (wk m)pope
gemet(e)gung (2f)moderation
ārlēas (adj)dishonourable, wicked
rihtlic (adj)righteous, just
earmlic (adj)miserable
wlitigian (2)make beautiful
wītega (wk m)prophet
seolfor (1n)silver
Egyptisc (adj)Egyptian
gebyrdtīd (2f)time of birth
riht (adj)straight, right, proper
belltācen (1n)bell-sounding, bell-signal
bisceopsinoþ (1m)synod of bishops
ceastergewara (wk m)town-dweller, citizen
alȳfan (1)permit, allow
ǣ (2f)law
(ge)gad(e)rian (2)collect, amass; convene; join
undern (m)the third hour of the day (c. 9am)
æcer (1m)field; acre
furh (5f)furrow
Cristesmæsseniht (5f)Christmas Eve
alǣtan (vii)leave, abandon; renounce
gafolgylda (wk m)tributary
æthrine (3m)touch
cynn (1n)kin, race; species, kind
regol (1m)rule, esp. monastic code of conduct
onscēotan (II onscēat, onscuton, onscoten)open
Nicenisc (adj)Nicaean, of Nicaea
abbod (1m/wk m)abbot
hetol (adj)hostile
dryhtenlic (adj)divine
tōcyme (3m)arrival, coming
heard (adj)hard, firm, solid, strong; difficult
lārēow (1m)teacher; scholar
friþ (1m/n)peace
hrēow (2f)contrition, repentance; sorrow, grief
innanweard (adj)on the inside of; innanweardre handa brād as broad as the palm of one's hand
geþingian (2)intercede (for), mediate (on behalf of), reconcile (with)
abacan (VI abōc, abōcon, abacen)bake
twēgen (num card/adj)two
halgungbōc (5f)book of consecration; pontifical
beswincan (III beswanc, beswuncon, beswuncen)work for, work at
aþenian (2)stretch, extend
cweþan (V cwæþ, cwǣdon, cweden)speak; say; call; mean
yrre (1n)anger
plēolic (adj)dangerous
frætwe (2f)ornaments, trappings
wangturf (2f)turf, sod
acenned (1)give birth; past ptc acennedan incarnate; in that form sometimes to be taken as āncenned "only-begotten"
cȳþan (1)make known, declare, announce
astellan (1)establish, institute; set forth, present; set (an example)
neoþanweard (adj)down low
waru (2f)protection
eard (1m)homeland, country
cwidol (adj)eloquent
gescyldnes (2f)protection
būgan (II bēag, bugon, bogen)bend, bow; turn; kneel
betwēoh (prep/adv)between; among
bēacen (1n)sign; symbol; (sound) of a bell
hwæt (adj)vigorous; bold
swēg (1m)sound, noise
cȳpemann (5m)merchant
trēowcynn (1n)tree species
þriwa (adv)three times
gōs (5f)goose
geflit (1n)strife, conflict
forlǣtan (vii)leave, forsake; let; blōd forlǣtan bleed, bloodlet
wælhrēow (adj)cruel
bewerian (2)defend, protect
gedyrstlæcan (1)dare; undertake
sāwan (VII sēow, sēowon, sāwen)sow
erce(of unknown meaning, if any)
sweor (1m)column, pillar
(ge)samnian (2)gather, collect, summon
middæg (1m)midday, noon
tāc(e)n (1n)sign, symbol
lǣcecræft (1m)medicine, the art of healing
mæssedæg (1m)mass, (religious) festival
scīr (adj)bright, clear
geþingþ(u) (2f)intercession
sculan (IV)must, have to, need to, ought to
stīgan (I stāh, stigon, stigen)ascend; descend
(ge)swutelian (2)show, reveal; explain, clarify
ontȳnan (1)open; reveal
hwǣtewæstm (1m)wheat crop
wæstm (1mn/2f)fruit, produce; offspring; growth
(ge)rǣdan (1)determine; advise
ealdorscipe (3m)authority
frēo, frīg (adj)free
forþgang (1m)progress
frēond (7m)friend; relative
etan (v)eat
lēohtfæt (1n)lamp
sunnganges (adv)clockwise, in the direction of the sun
yfel (adj)evil; bad, ill
sulhgetēoh (1n)plough implement
geþeaht (1m)deliberation; council, assembly
ælmesmann (5m)beggar
bydel (1m)messenger; preacher
behȳdan (1)hide, conceal; sheathe, put away
finol (1m)fennel
weaxan (VII wēox, wēoxon, weaxen) grow
lyblāc (1m)witchcraft, potioncraft
gesewenlic (adj)visible
flotmann (5m)sailor; pirate, Viking
turf (2f; gen/dat tyrf)turf, sod
cwicbēam (1m)quickbeam, rowan
efensācerd (1m)fellow priest
ufan (adv)from above, down
gospellbodung (2f): preaching of the Gospel
wyrt (3f)plant; herb
belūcan (II belēac, belucon, belucen)close, shut; enclose, shut in, lock up
ǣnig (adj)any
gāstlīce (adv)spiritually
unlūcan (II unlēac, unlucon, unlucen)unlock, open
hundseofontig (num card)seventy
ēadmōdlīce (adv)humbly
seofoþa (num ord)seventh
mǣl (1m)measure; mark; crucifix; time, occasion; meal(time)
hundeahtatig (num card)eighty
(ge)wilnian (2)wish (for, upon sbd)
uncūþ (adj)unknown, unfamiliar, strange
sceaþa (wk m)criminal; doer of harm
mǣrlīce (adv)magnificently, gloriously
bodig (1n)frame, body
getācnung (2f)meaning, reference, referent
stæpe (m)step; degree
þyncan (1; þūhte, þūht)seem, think (impers +dat)
hringan (1)ring
ōþer (adj/num ord)other; second
galdor (1n)incantation; divination; song
heafodlēahter (1m)cardinal sin
ēare (wk n)ear
þrowung (2f)suffering; martyrdom, passion
wyrdwrītere (1m)historiographer, historian
wiþersaca (wk m)adversary, opponent; apostate; Iūliānus se wiðersaca Julian the Apostate
hēahreced (1n)tall building; important hall
gemyndig (adj)mindful
forhogian (2)scorn, despise; neglect
processiō (f?)procession
ā (adv)always, forever
fæþm (1m; 2f)embrace, grasp; bosom; cubit (i.e. the length of the forearm, approx. 50cm); rarely fathom (approx 180cm)
symle (adv)always, continually, at all times
gebyrdtīma (wk m)time of birth
lāc (1n; 2f; 1m)offering
asmēagan (2)ponder, contemplate
endebyrdnes (2f)order; sequence; rank; rite, service; natural course
upstigendæg (late 1m)Ascension Day
pytt (1m)pit
setlgang (1m)setting (of a heavenly body)
magan (pretpres)be able; be permitted; be possible
bysgu (2f): occupation; affliction; care
bescēawian (2)look, see; observe; contemplate; attend to
arc (2f)ark; chest; coffin
(ge)strȳnan (1)gain, acquire; beget, procreate
stȳrian (2)move, stir (intr/tr)
drȳpan (1)sprinkle; drip (intr/tr)
lēahter (1m)sin; crime; not to be confused with hlēahtor "laughter"
sulh (n)plough
healf (2f)side; half
gemynd (n/f)mind; memory
unfremu (2f)damage, detriment
fylgian (2)follow (+dat)
ealdfæder (6m)ancestor
metod (1m)God, Lord (lit. "measurer")
lēaf (2f)permission
hundred (1n/num card)hundred; century (Roman military unit); hundredes ealdor centurion
unrihtlic (adj)unrighteous, unjust
mæssian (2)say Mass
beorma (wk m)yeast
lētaniā (wk m)litany (a prayer consisting of a sequence of petitions)
glæppe (wk f)?bogbean
mæsse (wk f)Mass
forgyldan (iii)repay
gebīdan (I)remain; wait; await; experience, live to see (+gen)
clipur (1m)clapper, bell-tongue
arīman (1)enumerate, list; recite
mægen (1n)strength, power
ymbhoga (wk m)care, concern
munuc (1m)monk
īsern (or īsen, īren, adj)iron
fugel (1m)bird
swincan (III swanc, swuncon, swuncen)toil; be troubled
onlūtan (II onlēat, onluton, onloten)bow, bend down
burh (5f)(fortified) town
meolc (2f)milk
aweorpan (III wearp, wurpon, worpen)throw, cast; cast out; abandon; renounce
borian (2)drill; insert into a drilled hole
gerēfa (wk m)overseer, estate manager; judge; reeve
forhelan (iv)hide, conceal
fēowerþa (num ord)fourth
gecamp (1mn)battle, war
aslēan (VII aslōh, aslōgon, aslægen)strike (off), beat
sacerd (1m)priest
bodung (2f)announcement; call; preaching; teaching; prophecy; Annunciation
woruldgewinn (1n)worldly war(fare)
bȳsen (2f)example, model, exemplar
(ge)unnan (pretpres)grant (+dat of person, +gen of thing)
nȳten (1n): animal
ungesewenlic (adj)invisible
ætbregdan (III atbrægd, ætbrugdon, ætbrogden)take away, remove; withhold, hold back; withdraw
talente (wk f)talent (a measure of weight)
fīras (1m pl)people, humankind
dǣl (3m; 3n)part; share; amount; extent; fate, lot
lifian (2)live
canunc (m)canon (i.e. cleric living under a canonical rule)
tyhting (2f)incitement, persuasion
bān (1n)bone
sōþfæstnes (2f)faithfulness; righteousness
rēþe (adj)fierce; savage; cruel
mæsseþenung (2f)the service of Mass