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lǣdan | to lead (1) |
godspell | gospel (n) |
befōran | before (+dat/acc) |
hālsian | to beg (2) |
cāsere | emperor (m) |
hylt | 3rd person pres. sg of healdan (VII) "hold" |
wuldor | glory (n) |
nū | now |
swefen | dream (n) |
burh | city (f) |
rǣdan | tell, relate (1) |
gesēon | to see (V) |
twēgen | two |
gioguð | youth (f) |
geendung | end (f) |
geswync | toil, difficulty (n) |
dēofolgild | idol (n) |
angin | beginning (n) |
mūð | mouth (m) |
ǣfre | ever, always |
cirice | church (f) |
diācon | deacon (m) |
seolf | self, oneself |
gesceaft | creature (f/n); in plural, creation |
sǣde | preterite of secgan (3) "say" |
samod | together, likewise, along |
bescēawian | to see (2) |
lēof | dear (adj); sir (m) |
mǣden | maiden (n) |
leorningcniht | disciple (m) |
adylegian | to erase, blot out (2) |
þider | thither, to there |
gebiddan | to ask, pray (V) |
fōstormōdor | foster-mother (f) |
windel | basket (m) |
onsundor geniman | take aside (IV) |
forlǣtan | to abandon (VII) |
īdel | idle, useless |
spellung | conversation (f) |
cempa | warrior, soldier (m) |
wyrcan (pret. worhte) | to make, construct (1) |
æðele | noble |
scēawian | to look (2) |
ÿtemest | last, final |
gilden | golden |
tōdæg | today |
gewrecan | to avenge (V) |
cweðan | to speak (V) |
eorðe | earth (f) |
fromnes | excellence (f) |
gesyngian | to sin (2) |
gesǣlignes | happiness (f) |
miltsian | to have mercy (+dat) (2) |
forweorðan | to perish, die (III) |
ordfruma | beginning, origin, author (m) |
þrī | three |
hǣlend | saviour (m) |