.: rollover flashcards: translation vocab :.

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lǣdanto lead (1)
godspellgospel (n)
befōranbefore (+dat/acc)
hālsianto beg (2)
cāsereemperor (m)
hylt3rd person pres. sg of healdan (VII) "hold"
wuldorglory (n)
swefendream (n)
burhcity (f)
rǣdantell, relate (1)
gesēonto see (V)
gioguðyouth (f)
geendungend (f)
geswynctoil, difficulty (n)
dēofolgildidol (n)
anginbeginning (n)
mūðmouth (m)
ǣfreever, always
ciricechurch (f)
diācondeacon (m)
seolfself, oneself
gesceaftcreature (f/n); in plural, creation
sǣdepreterite of secgan (3) "say"
samodtogether, likewise, along
bescēawianto see (2)
lēofdear (adj); sir (m)
mǣdenmaiden (n)
leorningcnihtdisciple (m)
adylegianto erase, blot out (2)
þiderthither, to there
gebiddanto ask, pray (V)
fōstormōdorfoster-mother (f)
windelbasket (m)
onsundor genimantake aside (IV)
forlǣtanto abandon (VII)
īdelidle, useless
spellungconversation (f)
cempawarrior, soldier (m)
wyrcan (pret. worhte)to make, construct (1)
scēawianto look (2)
ÿtemestlast, final
gewrecanto avenge (V)
cweðanto speak (V)
eorðeearth (f)
fromnesexcellence (f)
gesyngianto sin (2)
gesǣligneshappiness (f)
miltsianto have mercy (+dat) (2)
forweorðanto perish, die (III)
ordfrumabeginning, origin, author (m)
hǣlendsaviour (m)